Medium Density Polyethylene (PE) pipe was proven for Gas distribution in early 1960. PE pipe has proven its capabilities for gas distribution as many of the systems currently in use have been in continuous service since inception.The uses of polyethylene as piping material being liked by users in recent years as it offers advantages in costs as well as technical requirements such as lower permeation of gas constituents lack of corrosion effects flexibility of material relining operation of old gas lines
Today more than 70% of the pipe installed for natural gas distribution in Europe US and other part of the world is polyethylene. In fact PE has become the material of choice for gas distribution worldwide.
Design engineers assume that PE piping networks will provide safe and reliable service for more than a design targeted life of 50 years. The industry is approaching that 50-year milestone of use.
Vishakha MDPE Pipes Technical Specifications
Vishakha manufactures MDPE pipes conforming to both IS:14885 and ISO:4437 standard specifications. We have recently got the license to manufacture MDPE pipes for gas application using PE 80 and PE 100 grades.
Sizes - 20mm to 315mm (OD)
Standard Dimension Ratio - SDR 7 to SDR 17.6
Application - City Gas Distribution Domestic & Industrial CNG Distribution.
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Ahmedabad, Gujarat